It's 2024 and close to the launch on a brand new sales model. Whilst compliance might not typically be the most engaging topic, it really was critical ahead of launch. We'd seen the need as part of the brand engagement work and also, just talking to people. Across the brand and also wider business, people felt the current information around compliance was confusing and was risking the success of the business achieving it's goals. We saw the opportunity to build an asset to help make compliance more exciting!
Once we knew there was a need, the question was, what would work best? We spoke to various teams about what their challenges were; was it just engagement or was it more? Despite originally believing the problem was that the actual detail was too confusing we found that it was more the way that had been presented to teams and in many ways, the tone itself. If we get solve these things, we knew there would be a good start for increased engagement! We built an asset that was based on a Venn diagram; split into the teams affected in the brand and some use cases they would come across. The activity essentially had people sticking the cards of use cases in the right place. Which sounds easier than it was...!
Feedback was overwhelmingly positive; "A great way of learning, thank you." and "I thought it was a brilliant format, much more engaging that just reading spreadsheets and the "quiz masters" were good enough to be on the TV!🙂". The activity even got an average of 4.5 out 5 from the team of over 80 participants. They didn't necessarily leave with all the answers though, but they had come to the conclusion themselves that they wanted to knew more and crucially now had the confidence to get the right answers with a simple framework to reference.

Fun Factor:
The competition
...although no one managed to win! Everyone loved the idea of trying to know the most and get them right. Running with a few teams at once really helped this although when we ran virtually like a gameshow, we were the ones they laughed at :-)!

- • Discovery
• Engagement Materials
• Facilitation
• Design and Deliver Training Interventions
